What to Consider When Choosing the Best Bathroom Heater

Hot water is a household essential, and having the right water heater ensures a steady stream of comfort for showers, laundry, and dishwashing. However, with various water heater brands and types available, choosing the most suitable one can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry; this guide will equip you with the knowledge to select the best bathroom heater for your home’s specific needs.

Fuel Types

The first step is deciding on the fuel type that best suits your home and budget. Here is a breakdown of the most common options:

  • Natural Gas: A popular and efficient choice, natural gas water heaters offer quick heating and lower operating costs compared to electric models. However, they require a gas line installation, which might not be available in all areas.
  • Electric: Generally less expensive upfront than gas models, electric water heaters are a good choice if you don’t have access to natural gas. However, they tend to be less efficient, leading to higher running costs.
  • Propane: A dependable choice for off-grid locations, propane water heaters offer efficient heating and can be used with propane tanks. Installation costs might be higher compared to natural gas options.

Capacity and Dimensions

Next, consider the water heater’s capacity, which determines how much hot water it can store. A larger tank translates to a longer wait time for refilling after depletion, while a smaller one might not provide enough hot water for a large household.

Here are some pointers to help you choose the right size:

  • Household Size: A general rule of thumb suggests allocating 40-50 gallons per person.
  • Hot Water Usage: Consider a larger capacity if your household showers frequently or uses multiple hot water appliances simultaneously.
  • Available Space: Measure the designated area for the water heater to ensure the chosen model fits comfortably.

Energy Efficiency 

Water heating can significantly impact your energy bill. Look for models with high Energy Factor (EF) ratings for gas water heaters or Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) ratings for electric models. These ratings indicate how efficiently the heater converts energy into hot water, with higher numbers signifying better efficiency and potential cost savings.

Installation Considerations

While some water heaters are easier to install than others, consulting a qualified plumber for proper installation and safety checks is always recommended. Especially for complex systems like tankless water heaters, professional expertise ensures optimal performance and avoids potential hazards.

Wrap Up

By considering these factors – fuel type, capacity, size, efficiency, and installation – you can narrow your options and choose a water heater that perfectly complements your home’s needs and budget. 

Consulting with a plumber or researching reputable water heater brands like Rheem can provide valuable insights for a successful purchase. With the right information and guidance, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a consistent flow of hot water for years to come.